Key Words - Things you may not understand

  • The Death Heads - The Death Heads refer to those Ranking of Death. Which include Grim, the Death Riders, and the Death Angel. 
  • The Death Riders - Group of five men that keep law and order of the UnderWorld. Also called the Law Keepers of the UnderWorld. Though it is most known that the Death Riders are only the group seen out and about, there are many more trainee Death Riders and Death Rider squads if there was a need. Those Death Riders are not given the Death Rider weapons and are not bonded to a horse. There are also honorary Death Riders of those who show great skill and protect the UnderWorld. 
  • The Death Whip - Used to punish those who have a Death Rank. Not only does it hurt like nothing else but it also makes the punished unable to use their powers. It really isn’t used as Grim never gives the Elders a reason to use it, same goes for the Death Riders. However it had been used on Aneres more then once and not always for a good reason.
  • The Elders - The head people of the UnderWorld that make the laws, pass out punishments and such. They’ve hated the Death Angel since the first time she was born. It is more out of jealousy then anything.
  • Orbing - A way to travel from one place to another. Used by Grim and Aneres (when she was able to use it).


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